Starring . . .

Sherman Alexie*Sherwood Anderson*James Baldwin*Elizabeth Bishop*Gwendolyn Brooks*Raymond Carver*Raymond Chandler*Sandra Cisneros*T.S. Eliot*William Faulkner*F. Scott Fitzgerald*Alan Ginsberg*Ernest Hemingway*Langston Hughes*Zora Neale Hurston*Jack Kerouac*Ken Kesey*Ursula K. LeGuin*Marsha Norman*Flannery O'Connor*Dorothy Parker*Sam Shepard*Gary Snyder*William Stafford*Gertrude Stein*John Steinbeck*Wallace Stevens*Amy Tan*Luis Alberto Urrea*John Updike*Kurt Vonnegut*David Foster Wallace*Tennessee Williams*Richard Wright

15 June 2011

Final Exam

Reminder:  Your final exam is tomorrow morning, from 10-11:50, in our regular classroom. 

Please bring with you writing implements and blank paper.  This is a closed note, closed book exam.

ALL rewrites are due at the time of the final.

10 June 2011

Terms for Study

Following is a list of terms you might want to study for the exam.  With each one, be sure to consider which works/authors are related to the term and why.  You may be asked not only to define these terms, but also to speak to how they relate to course content.


Nurse Ratched
Curly's wife
Carl Solomon
Mike F.
General George Poker Sash
Sally Poker
Dick Diver
Nicole Diver
"Scott" and Zelda

The following are terms related to literature/the study of literature:

Short Story
Short Story Cycle
Creative/Narrative Non-fiction
Lyric Poetry
Language Poetry

Prizes/Programs for Litertature

National Book Award
O'Henry Prize
Iowa Writer's Workshop
Nobel Prize for Literature


Alquonquin Group
Lost Generation
Jazz Age

Words associated with particular texts:

Rabbits (as in "Of Mice and Men")
Ball Cutter
Jim Crow
Glass Window
The Combine
Daddy's Girl

As a reminder, we'll have a review session, for all who can make it, Tuesday morning at 9 in CTC 206.  This should not be seen as a SUBSTITUTE for studying.  We'll go over some test examples and any questions you may have. 

09 June 2011


Shoot.  I almost forgot.  I have an appointment at lunchtime on Monday.

So my hours on Monday will be 10-12; 2-4:45.


I have successfully requested a room for a review.  Here are the details.

Tuesday, June 14.  9 am to 10 am.  Room 206.

As an added incentive, I will have ALL quizzes and discussion questions graded.  If you have questions/concerns about grades, we can talk about them then.  I should be able to project final grades (that is, you need _____ on the final to get an A or ______ on the final to get a C).  I can return papers to anyone who shows up.  I will probably also feed you something.

And, per Austin's request, I will provide you the names of some books from this period that are not so depressing.

Those of you who might like to come see me this weekend:  Again, I will be in the office on Friday from 1:30-4:45.  Saturday 10:00-4:45.  Monday 10-4.  It is nice if I have warning that you are coming, but drop bys are also ok.  On Friday and Saturday be sure to knock on the door to the office suite so that I can come let you in.

05 June 2011

Some Details and Clarification

On Tuesday, we will be discussing Tender is the Night try to be done with the novel, if at all possible. 

I have a review for the final paper--this will be handed out on Tuesday as well.

Please be thinking about whether you would be interested in a review session before the final next Thursday.  And, if you are interested, be thinking about when you might be able to squeeze it in.  I'll take your pulse about this Tuesday.

I do have VERY short readings from Hemingway and Eliot.  I'll give them to you in class on Tuesday.  Can I reiterate?  They are VERY short.

I have a bunch of random things to pass back to people.   Let's do that at the begining of class on Tuesday because I keep losing people at the end of class.

31 May 2011

Hate to Nag, But . . .

I only got 3 responses to the Cat on a Hot Tin Roof question.  I'll expect to see the rest of them on Thursday. 

We're reading Tender is the Night--try to get through the first book for Thursday.  AT LEAST get a good start on the book.  We'll begin discussing on Thursday.  You might want to check back tomorrow (Wednesday) night.  I'm planning on throwing up some discussion questions to get you started thinking about the novel a little. 

I want to remind you all that there will be extra credit question(s) on the final about the Baldwin and Updike stories that we struck from the schedule.  Also, in case you are beginning to worry about it, I will be handing out a study guide for the final next week.  I will also take your pulse, as a class, about whether you feel that you want/need a review session scheduled before the final.

Finally, I will have handouts on Thursday for two other texts--a chapter from Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, which is a very, very quick read and goes nicely with the Fitzgerald, and a copy of T.S. Eliot's "The Wasteland" which is anything but a quick read, but something I'd really like for us to get a chance to talk about on the last day of class.  PLEASE DO NOT LET ME LET YOU LEAVE WITHOUT THESE TEXTS ON THURSDAY.

See you all Thursday!

30 May 2011

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Please remember that your "discussion questions" for this week are being replaced by a discussion answer.

The question is:  What does it mean to be a cat on a hot tin roof?  Give evidence from the play.

*It might be useful to think about why Brick and Big Daddy (and even Maggie herself) refer to Maggie as "Maggie the Cat."

I will take these tomorrow OR Thursday.  Just be sure that I get them by the end of the week.

Please do not "research" this question.  Answer it based on your own experience of seeing the film.